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September 24 - October 31 2021, NARS Foundation, New York City

Muta­ble Land, fea­tur­ing works by Fer­nan­do Andrade, Richard Armen­dariz, Joe Har­jo, Mari Her­nan­dez, Ethel Ship­ton, Jose Vil­lalo­bos and Anne Wal­lace, explores ​“Texas” land: how humans change land and the peo­ple liv­ing on it, focus­ing on shift­ing bor­ders, col­o­niza­tion, migra­tion, mil­i­ta­riza­tion, gen­der and tradition. 

The exhibition was situated in 1930s former military housing on Governor's Island, an island possessing a multi-national history as a military center stretching continuously back from the 1960s to its 17th century seizure from the Lenape by the Dutch West India Company.

Like Gov­er­nors Island, South Texas car­ries sto­ried, mil­i­ta­rized his­to­ries fea­tur­ing shift­ing casts of nations vying for con­trol, wag­ing war and redraw­ing lines on land regard­less of peo­ple liv­ing on it. 

Exhib­it­ed artists probe expe­ri­ences of exis­tence in such con­test­ed space, weaving together his­to­ry and today, from the bat­tle of the Alamo and forced Indige­nous assim­i­la­tion to con­tem­po­rary migra­tion expe­ri­ences and queer life in bor­der towns. They highlight the histories, spaces, and documents of the changes to control of the land itself, exploring profit and harm; They navigate the experience of movement across South Texas and the U.S.-Mexican border; they examine how existence on such contested land affects generational transformation and contemporary experiences of the people themselves. 

View a full exhibition brochure and artwork list, and press in ArtNet and the San Antonio Current

Mutable Land, installation view
Mutable Land, installation view
Jose Villalobos, Pureza Como Una Perla, 2019
Jose Villalobos, Pureza Como Una Perla, 2019
Jose Villalobos, Mi Ser, 2021
Jose Villalobos, Mi Ser, 2021
Mari Hernandez, The Signing, 2016
Joe Harjo, from left: Let Us Pray, A Heretical Act of Resistance, and Mark of the Beast, 2019
Anne Wallace, The Unofficial Story: Sidewalk Oral Histories, 2019, and G.G. Braden’s maker’s mark fr
G.G. Braden’s maker’s mark fragment, 1890s
Anne Wallace, Naming Stones, 2018
Anne Wallace, The Unofficial Story: Sidewalk Oral Histories, 2019
Jose Villalobos, Deeply Rooted, Culturally Silenced, live performance still, 2021
Anne Wallace, Naming Stones, 2018
Anne Wallace,  El Otro Lado, 2004-2006
Anne Wallace,  El Otro Lado, 2004-2006 (left), and Ricky Armendariz, Murro Hopper, 2020
José Villalobos, Entre Más Grande, Más Macho, 2019
Fernando Andrade, Autubus Series, 2019 - 2021
Fernando Andrade, Autubus Series, 2019 - 2021
Ethel Shipton, La Frontera 1845, 2021
José Villalobos, Entre Más Grande, Más Macho, 2019
Mari Hernandez, Pitted Brother Against Brother, 2019
Ricky Armendariz, Tell Me Where It Hurts, 2017
Jose Villalobos, Pureza Como Una Perla, 2019
Anne Wallace,  El Otro Lado, 2004-2006 (left), and Ricky Armendariz, Murro Hopper, 2020


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